PocketITP, like it's sibling ITP is an FTP server specifically designed to operate within photographic workflows. PocketITP brings this a step further by providing you with the same powerful features as the desktop version in a compact format capable of running on any WiFi equipped PocketPC PDA. This enables users to enjoy the power of ITP without the weight or battery life limitations of a laptop - coupled with field editing and transmission software like Pocket Phojo a Photographer can rapidly get their images back to the office without fiddling with CF cards or wires!
Version 1.2 now adds automatic configurator support for the Canon WFT-E1 transmitter - users of this new device can enjoy the same simplified setup procedure that Nikon WT-1 users have been enjoying since the release of PocketITP 1.1. Using this feature, users will be able to generate WFT-E1 configuration files on their PocketPCs and upload those settings right into their cameras. Since PocketITP fills in the critical details automatically, this allows users to perform this step without having to worry about the details of IP networking like other solutions. This helps to vastly simplify an otherwise complex setup process and get you out using your transmitter faster than ever!
Thanks to a modular design, PocketITP shares the same server code as the desktop version - meaning that both packages offer you the same set of core features. Powerful workflow-centric features like batch renaming, automatic directory generation and overwrite protection provide you with the ability to have an immediately organized file system in the palm of your hand! PocketITP also provides you with a full suite of management tools to allow you to administer the server to run the way you want directly from the PDA. Further, this system has been designed with ease of use in mind so that anyone can easily handle the setup and use of the server on this platform. As always, PocketITP also offers a 52 page illustrated manual to provide you with comprehensive instructions on how to make full use of this powerful tool.
In addition to sharing all of the features of ITP, PocketITP brings a whole list of additional features to help make the use of the server easier on the smaller platform. For example, the ability to control and monitor many facets of the server with a single hand mean that you can easily check things out without putting down your camera. PocketITP can even be configured to show you previews of images immediately as they are uploaded to the server allowing you to see things as they are shot. Additionally, given the constrained resources of a PDA PocketITP provides you with easily accessible readouts of remaining space on your memory cards and battery life - thus allowing you to keep a close eye to make sure you've got enough to last. To help with limited memory card space, PocketITP can also automatically failover to a second memory card if the first one gets full - allowing you to equip the server with as much as 16GB of active storage space! Finally, PocketITP also offers you power-saving features such as the ability to switch off the LCD panel to conserve precious battery power and thus maximizing the time you can spend without AC power!
PocketITP offers Photographers a wide range of capabilities that are unavailable with other solutions. For example, using PocketITP with a Nikon WT-1 or Canon WFT-E1 configured with a wireless remote, you can easily monitor, edit and transmit photos that it produces with little hassle. This system makes checking the images produced by your remotes as easy as those in the digital camera you are holding! PocketITP also allows you to store a secure backup of all of your images immediately after they are shot - when working in hostile circumstances (crowds, water, salt, sand, over-zealous security, etc.), you can easilly place a PDA in a small pelican case and know that whatever happens to your primary gear your images will be safe regardless of what is happening around you. While these special circumstances aren't necessary for everyone, these options can be invaluable to those who find themselves in these situations.
Furthermore, like its bigger brother PocketITP has been coded to make maximum use of the limited resources available to it on your PDA. The carefully coded and heavily multithreaded design of this program allows it to dynamically adjust to all of the bottlenecks in your system and thereby ensure that it is making maximum utilization of your resources. In a small device like a PDA this is critically important as there are many things that can produce significant slowdowns if not carefully managed. Additionally, the multithreaded nature of the code also ensures that the user interface is always responsive thus ensuring that you will have the ability to immediately control your system whenever it is necessary. PocketITP is also extremely lightweight, only consuming 450KB of storage space when inactive and 2.5MB of RAM when running - as such even many older model PocketPCs can run this powerful software.
Best of all, PocketITP 1.2 is being offered as freeware and as such can be downloaded at no cost from this site. In addition, ITP has been built from the ground up to be as non-invasive as possible - it does not make use of the Registry and, unless instructed otherwise, will keep all of it's files within the specified install directory. As such, installation will not clutter your system and if for some reason you choose to remove PocketITP you can be assured that it will be done completely and not leave any residue.
If PocketITP helps you do your work more efficiently, you are kindly asked to consider a contribution to help with development costs of future versions. A commercial version of ITP is currently underway and will help to cover the costs of more advanced versions, however for the time being voluntary contributions are our only method of generating revenue. To all of those who have already contributed, thanks again!