If you are unsure about the meaning of any of the settings in this form, simply click on it's name for a detailed description. Additionally, if desired there is also an easy version of this form that reduces the number of items you need to fill out.
If you have successfully uploaded your settings and the WT-1 is still not working, please check out our debugging guide to help identify and fix the problem you are having. If that doesn't help you, feel free to give us a shout and we'll try to help you to any capacity that we can.
Please note that if you are using ITP/PocketITP 1.1 or later you already have a more powerful module to perform this task - unlike this online script, ITP can automatically determine many of the values you must manually specify here. This script is primarily targeted at Apple users who do not currently have a native package to generate the .WT1 configuration files (although it will happily work on any platform).